The UI&UX Report for the Project of the “Alejandro Mora Online Portfolio” is displayed below (you can scroll through the pages by using the arrows on the bottom). This project was performed during the last quarter of 2022 and first quarter of 2023, and it contains studies in User Experience including Design Patterns, User Analysis, Personas, Analysis of the User’s Needs, Traffic and a 2by2 Map, Alpha and Beta Architectures, Navigation Paths, Wireframes, Paper Prototyping, and Navigation Tests.
The Methodology used is the Usability Cookbook by Franklin Hernández-Castro, PhD. - TEC Costa Rica

The UI&UX Report for the Project of the “Design of the Website for the Restaurant Tequila, Tacos & Mariachi” is displayed below (you can scroll through the pages by using the arrows on the bottom). This project was performed during the first semester of the year 2020 and it contains studies in User Experience including Design Patterns, User Analysis, Personas, Analysis of the User’s Needs, Traffic and a 2by2 Map, Alpha and Beta Architectures, Navigation Paths, Wireframes, Paper Prototyping, and Navigation Tests.
The Methodology used is the Usability Cookbook by Franklin Hernández-Castro, PhD.
As part of a new initiative at TEC, I participated in the creation of this Learning Experience Design to assist in the teaching of basic chemistry principles for university level students. According to the content advisor, the students don’t really visualize the reactions and chemical changes that occur due to them being microscopic phenomena. Students generally must rely on drawings and simulations and this dependency hampers their ability to visualize these reactions beyond paper.
The learning tool was a set of wooden cubes with images on their upper face and an augmented reality app developed in Unity. These images worked as trackers for the augmented reality simulation of the molecules when only one image is on camera and the ionization reactions when the solutions are on focus. The augmented reality simulation also displays important details like ionization levels and electric conductivity to also assist in the detection of the type of solvents: strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes and non-electrolytes, according to their properties. Check out the animatic for this presentation below:

The UI&UX Report for the Project of the “Design of the Umbra App for Assisting Science Education in 5th Graders under the MEP Curriculum“ is displayed below (you can scroll through the pages by using the arrows on the side) and also view the Project’s Animatic Trailer. This project contains studies in User Experience including Design Patterns, User Analysis, Personas, Analysis of the User’s Needs, Traffic and a 2by2 Map, Alpha and Beta Architectures, Navigation Paths, Wireframes, Paper Protyping, and Navigation Tests. The Methodology used is the Usability Cookbook by Franklin Hernández-Castro, PhD.

Signaletics is an information system designed to improve and guide the flow of people through a closed system, in this case the system corresponded to the public railway transport for the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica, which comprises the cities of San José, Alajuela, Heredia and Cartago. Furthermore, this region withholds close to the 60% of the population of the country. At the moment of designing this project, the Costa Rican Railway Institute did not possess an organized system or method of conveyance of information for the user of their public transport system. This project was created in order to fulfill this need.
The scope of this project was great in size due to the fact that it included the design and then planning for implementation of all of its parts, including information inside and outside of train stations, a classification of said stations and the identification of the information needs of each, implementation inside and outside of trains, as well as methods of information transmission through elements of UX and UI in mobile, web and printed systems. Also, it would be remiss of me to not point out that this project was designed following the paradigms of Service Design Thinking and the AT ONE methodology. Please, if you are interested in more information of this project, the paradigms of Service Design or the AT ONE methodology, do not hesitate to contact me.
In the following section you can find both the summary of the written report and the presentation for this project. This was my Bachelor’s Thesis for graduation as an Engineer in Industrial Design from the Costa Rica Institute of Technology.
This project consists of the research and development of a mixed reality game with two inputs and two outputs of information. What I mean by this is methods in which the play interacts with the game itself. Said inputs were the placement of elements on specific spots to signal the game to begin and the information through the Myo Armband’s sensors which measure motion, orientation and rotation of the forearm. This Armband is an electromyographic 9-axis sensor that records the signals sent by the brain through the nervous impulses of the forearm and in conjunction with the previously mentioned factors translates this into signals readable by a computer. Clearly, the Myo was used to control the arcade game. Also, it is important to note that the graphics were inspired by those of the Icebreaker Game Series by nitrome.com
The video above was designed and edited to showcase the main features of the design process, such as the UI graphics, coding elements and tests, as well as the game’s performance. If you would like to know more about the Myo Armband and Nitrome, or look at the project file please follow the links below.
The content for this academic research paper into the intimate memory and history of a house and several generations of its inhabitants was designed and written as a narration from the point of view of the House’s Walls. In order to infuse a better and more entertaining reading experience for the information collected and curated within.
This project was developed with assistance from Jürgen Schultz-Harrington. Also, this project was commissioned in Spanish by the Casa Cultural Amón, a cultural extension body of the Costa Rica Institute of Technology in the San José Campus. The aim of this body is the preservation and diffusion of culture in the city of San José. Said campus is located in the historic Amón Neighborhood where most of the buildings are protected by the Costa Rican State as Historic and Architectural Heritage.
See the translated excerpt from the Book’s back cover translated into English below. Furthermore, find this Book physically available in the Costa Rica Institute of Technology’s Library System as well as in their digital catalog coming soon. For more information on this project, please visit the Editorial portfolio.
“We, the Walls of the Huete Quirós house, have seen multiple stories unfold in our corridors, in our rooms, we have witnessed the lives of many people. We have witnessed how Barrio Amón has transformed its streets, its walls of bahareque and wood into reinforced concrete blocks. We have watched vigilant as the Barrio slowly saw its houses of high-born families transformed into coffee shops, hotels, galleries and cultural centers such as the Tecnológico de Costa Rica or sadly demolished. We saw how the great coffee benefits were devoured by the city, to transform into what Barrio Amón is today. We have steadfastly stood for generations. We have survived the onslaught of time. We have endured.”